Of all the things we have absolute control over is our body. It is the vessel that preserves, nurtures and enhances the mind. An ill body cannot foster clear thinking.

Our first lifestyle goal is sound health. It is an understatement to assert we are what we eat. Our diet includes all things we ingest, inhale or put on our body. A diet with limited sugar and rich in green vegetables promotes long life, happiness and robust mental faculty. Exercise daily.

Sleep. We need at least 8 hours a sleep a night. Too much sleep and you become lazy.
Too little, and your mind becomes unfocused and perturbed.

Focus on living in the HERE and now. Rid yourself of the regrets of the past or the fear of the future. Quiet your mind with music, nature and solitude. Our hectic daily lives are bombarded with constant noise and confusion. We must silence the external clammer and quiet our mind of our own constant mental chatter.

Feel gratitiude and wonderlust. Transcend your struggles and CLEAR your mind.

Once you have tamed the restless spirit, present yourself with escalading challenges that you know you can accomplish.

Learn something new daily. Focus on great quotes that inspire you and facts that enlighten you.

​Become efficient by minimizing work and maximizing health, wealth and wisdom.

Avoid friendship with insensible or angry people.

Develop a life plan that promotes wealth creation to allow life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Remove fear from your life from superstition and death by studying natural science. Avoid harmful distractions by limiting entertainment that debase the human condition and promote vulgarity and ignorance. 

​Surround yourself with beauty. Aesthetics is, after all, the final branch of philosophy devoted to the great life.

In a complicated age of long work weeks and an endless list of items we imagine that we need, it is vital to remove yourself from a wage slave existence. No one wanting to live the life of a prudent philosopher can spend most of the day working for someone else. It is essential that you find a way to make a living as a self-guided entrepreneur working just enough to allow the time to seek out the virtues of life. Aristotle recognized that virtue stems from leisure. If you do not have the time for self-contemplation, you will not have time for self-ascendance.

Let your business promote happiness without injury to others minds and health. Aspire, acquire and preserve your business interests but not at the expense of your enjoyment of life, family and friends.

Understand that life has never been fair and you need to take control over your own destiny.

Find pleasure in simple things. Let go of the need for every short term sensory thrill. Seek out the company of like minded friends that enhance your untroubled mind and who share your zest for the good life.

Choose your friends wisely. Find a lifemate that promotes your tranquility and bliss. Let this mate compliment your strengths and make up for your weaknesses. If you cannot find a compatible mate it is best to be alone.

Make realistic objectives to your pursuit of mental, physical and financial ambitions. Unreachable goals must be modified or eliminated as they only cause distress.

Take up hobbies that enrich your perspective in life and provide a source of happiness that you can share. Music and art are both forms of expression that provide entertainment throughout ones life.

To balance out the needs of your body and mind with your goals, you must be organized. Assign times when you work and recreate. Balance out the responsibilities of the day with your pursuit of happiness.

Do not fear death. You were not here before you were born and when the body is gone, so goes your awareness of death.
The Epicureans say "I was not, I was, I am not, I do not care." The only reincarnation is a material one.

Remember that pain is not as bad as you think it is and is temporary. The body and the mind are hard-wired since birth to know what is the right path. Your happiness is the ultimate goal. This means ridding the mind of handicapping fears and removing pain from the body by living with healthy choices. Once you have rid the mind and body of encumbrances, you can become a self-directed free agent. Epicurus said that one who achieves this state experiences Ataraxia.
In Zen Buddhism this would be a state of enlightenment. It is the state of mind and body without want or pain.

1.) Once you find your bliss - preserve it.

​2.) Happiness is infectious - spread it.

3.) Knowledge is a light that chases the darkness of ignorance - shine it.